Ph.D. in Music Theory, Eastman School of Music, 2010
Dissertation: "Temporal Dynamic Form in Music: Atonal, Tonal, and Other"
(Robert Morris, advisor),

M.A., Music Theory, Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester

Summer intensive course in analysis of Schoenberg's atonal music, Yale Summer School / Schoenberg Center, Vienna and Mödling, Austria, 2001 (taught by Allen Forte)
Summer (six weeks) mentor/protegé program studying Gagaku (Japanese court music), instrument: hichiriki (double reed), Columbia University's Institute for Medieval Japanese Studies / Japanese Cultural Heritage Initiatives, Tokyo, Japan, 2014. (Studied primarily under Hitomi Nakamura sensai.)

B.A., major in Philosophy and studies in Music, University of Chicago
List of graduate courses taken at Eastman School of Music: View pdf