Ph.D. in Music Theory, Eastman School of Music, 2010
Dissertation: "Temporal Dynamic Form in Music: Atonal, Tonal, and Other" (Robert Morris, advisor), |
M.A., Music Theory, Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester |
Summer intensive course in analysis of Schoenberg's atonal music, Yale Summer School / Schoenberg Center, Vienna and Mödling, Austria, 2001 (taught by Allen Forte) |
Summer (six weeks) mentor/protegé program studying Gagaku (Japanese court music), instrument: hichiriki (double reed), Columbia University's Institute for Medieval Japanese Studies / Japanese Cultural Heritage Initiatives, Tokyo, Japan, 2014. (Studied primarily under Hitomi Nakamura sensai.) | |
B.A., major in Philosophy and studies in Music, University of Chicago |
List of graduate courses taken at Eastman School of Music: | View pdf |